Applications – Bus/Van Conversions
Conversions of used/older buses, vans, ambulances and other similar type vehicles are being converted into customized recreational vehicles, not only in the United States but around the world. “Van-Life” or “Bus-Life” has gained strong interest over the course of the last decade. To start, participants of this movement acquire one of the previously mentioned vehicles, rip out the majority of the interior volume space, and refurbish the newly purged space with bare (or extravagant) living essentials needed in order to travel the great outdoors. Conversion of the selected relic typically occurs in several phases:

General Steps for Bus/Van Conversion
- Layout for plumbing, power lines, gas lines, ventilation
- Cutting holes (for the items listed above)
- Wiring
- Installing ventilation and energy systems
- Insulation and flooring
- Framing side walls and ceiling
- Ground work (i.e. framing cabinets)
- Off-ground work (i.e. framing benches, beds, cabinets, etc.)
- Plumbing
- Finish work
Insulation is a small but very important part of this renovation process. Ceratex ceramic fiber paper has been a popular insulation choice for “Van-Lifers” due to the challenge of working with very limited space. Energy loss due to poor insulation is the primary purpose for Ceratex use but another important function is to prevent thermal runaway.